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Eliminate context switching and save valuable time
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Reduce friction and facilitate knowledge transfer
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Enhance team collaboration and alignment
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Eliminate context switching and save valuable time
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Reduce friction and facilitate knowledge transfer
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Enhance team collaboration and alignment

Creator Partnership Program:
Data, meet dialoge with AI

Hey there, Trendsetter. Welcome to Findly, where data talks back - not in numbers, but in plain, no-nonsense English.
Instantly Access and Analyze Your Data
Ask data questions in plain English to your database and receive answers in seconds.
Connect with Internal or External Databases and APIs
Amplify your sales team's knowledge by providing them with access to valuable market data, trends, and insights.
Support a Tech-Reluctant Industry with Easy Adoption
We've designed our platform specifically for the real estate industry, ensuring seamless integration and minimal disruption to your team's workflow.

Why Vouch for Findly?
Here's the Scoop.

Tech with a Twist: An AI that turns data babble into crystal-clear banter.
All-Rounder Appeal: Whether it's the retail rockstars or the digital dynamos, everyone loves a good chat with their data
Real-Time Revelations: Why wait when you can have an insight now?
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Eliminate context switching and save valuable time
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Reduce friction and facilitate knowledge transfer
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Enhance team collaboration and alignment

Affiliate assistance

Promo Toolkit: Banners, demos, bespoke content – all at your fingertips.
Round-the-Clock Support: We’re here, always, to help you help others.
Exclusive Offers: We provide special discounts for your audience.


What is the Creator Partnership program?
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Findly's Creator Partnership Program is a partnership opportunity where you, as a creator, can earn commissions by promoting Findly. It's a way to monetize your content while offering your audience an innovative AI-driven analytics tool.

How do I become a Findly affiliate?
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Simply sign up for the program on on the adjacent form. Once approved, you'll get access to our onboarding guide, promotional materials, and unique referral links.

What kind of commissions can I earn?
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Our commission structure is competitive. You earn a commission for each customer who subscribes to Findly's standard plan through your referral link. The more amount of referrals, the higher your earnings.

Will I get any exclusive offers to share?
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Absolutely! As a Findly affiliate, you'll have access to exclusive offers and promotional content that you can share with your audience. This includes unique discounts and later on early access to new features.

Can I offer feedback on the product?
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Definitely! We value our affiliates' insights and encourage you to share your feedback on Findly. Your suggestions help us improve and innovate.

Fill in the form to get started or get in touch at

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