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Eliminate context switching and save valuable time
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Reduce friction and facilitate knowledge transfer
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Enhance team collaboration and alignment
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Eliminate context switching and save valuable time
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Reduce friction and facilitate knowledge transfer
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Enhance team collaboration and alignment

Industry Solution Partnership Program

Partner with Findly to address advanced industry challenges with accurate forecasts and actionable insights. Our advanced AI solutions provide precise commodity price predictions, accurate cargo ETA times, and actionable insights from the latest industry news, empowering you to make smarter decisions.
Price Forecasting
Leverage AI to forecast commodity prices with high accuracy, enhancing your trading strategies
Logistics Management
Optimize supply chain operations with precise vessel ETA predictions
Market Intelligence
Stay ahead with real-time analysis of industry news, helping you respond swiftly to market changes

Partner assistance

Partner Toolkit: Ask us for our partner toolkits to help you communicate our services to your clients.
Round-the-Clock Support: We’re here to help you help others. Let's work together on building something they love.
Exclusive Comissions: We provide special comissions to our partners. Contact us for more information.

Get in touch

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